The Cockroach Species File works to build a comprehensive source for knowledge about the world’s cockroaches. Information found here includes valid names, synonyms, bibliographic data, specimen data, images, and distributions for cockroaches of the world. Our site seeks to include and serve researchers in taxonomy, systematics, ecology, ethology, conservation, and evolution, as well as educators, policy makers, and citizen scientists.
Lucihormetica fenestrata | Eucorydia sp. | Elliptorhina javanica | Capucina sp. |
Melyroidea magnifica | Periplaneta americana | Ectobius lapponicus | |
Polyzosteria mitchelli | Prosoplecta semperi | Caeparia sp. |
Try searching for species Blattella infuscata, or start your exploration at Genus Blattella, or Family Blattellidae.
See our About page for an overview of the project, its data, the development team, and details about how you can access the data, contribute, contact us, or get help.
We look forward to hearing from you about your experiences with our new features as well as how you use the information you find here.