
Eucorydia Hebard, 1929


Corydia westwoodi Gerstaecker, 1861 type species of Eucorydia Hebard, 1929

Nomenclature (4)

  • Eucorydia Hebard, 1929: 96.

    type species Corydia westwoodi Gerstaecker, 1861

  • Eucorydia Hebard, 1929 in Princis, 1963: 81.
  • Eucorydia Hebard, 1929 in Yanagisawa, Hiruta, Sakamaki & Shimano, 2021: 150. Key
  • Eucorydia Hebard, 1929 in Yanagisawa, Hiruta, Sakamaki, Liao & Shimano, 2021: 101. Key

Nomenclature references (4)

  • Hebard, M. (1929) Studies in Malayan Blattidae (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 81, 1–109.
  • Princis, K. (1963) Blattariae: Suborde [sic] Polyphagoidea: Fam.: Homoeogamiidae, Euthyrrhaphidae, Latindiidae, Anacompsidae, Atticolidae, Attaphilidae. Subordo Blaberoidea: Fam. Blaberidae. In M. Beier (Ed.). Orthopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage. Issue 4, 76–172 pp.
  • Yanagisawa, S., Hiruta, S.F., Sakamaki, Y. & Shimano, S. (2021) A New Species of the Genus Eucorydia (Blattodea: Corydiidae) from the Miyako-jima Island in Southwest Japan. 26, 145–151.
  • Yanagisawa, S., Hiruta, S.F., Sakamaki, Y., Liao, J.-R. & Shimano, S. (2021) Two New Species of the Genus Eucorydia (Blattodea: Corydiidae) from the Nansei Islands in Southwest Japan. 38, 90–102.

Descendants and synonyms


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