CollectionObject 1576558; 4b03f456-3447-46a8-93b2-8df6ca43f9bb: Copyright David Rentz. Abroad at night. (CollectionObject).
CollectionObject 1576558; 4b03f456-3447-46a8-93b2-8df6ca43f9bb: Copyright David Rentz. Abroad at night. (CollectionObject).

Nomenclature (2)

  • Balta verticalis Hebard, 1943: 67.
  • Balta verticalis Hebard, 1943 in Princis, 1969: 972.

Nomenclature references (2)

  • Hebard, M. (1943) Australian Blattidae of the subfamilies Chorisoneurinae and Ectobiinae (Orthoptera). Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 4, 1–129.
  • Princis, K. (1969) Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea. Fam.: Blattellidae. In M. Beier (Ed.). Orthopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage. Issue 13, 712–1038 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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