
Cariblatta lutea (Saussure & Zehntner, 1893)

small yellow cockroach

Nomenclature (6)

  • Ceratinoptera lutea Saussure & Zehntner, 1893: 48.
  • Cariblatta lutea lutea in Hebard, 1916: 165.
  • ... Show all ... (2)
  • Cariblatta lutea (unavailable or invalid, linked to Ceratinoptera lutea Saussure & Zehntner, 1893)
  • Cariblatta lutea lutea (unavailable or invalid, linked to Ceratinoptera lutea Saussure & Zehntner, 1893)

Nomenclature references (4)

  • Atkinson, T.H., Koehler, P.G. & Patterson, R.S. (1991) Catalog and atlas of the cockroaches (Dictyoptera) of North America north of Mexico. 78, 1–86.
  • Hebard, M. (1916) A new genus, Cariblatta, of the group Blatellites (Orthoptera, Blattidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 42, 147–186. Available at http://www.jstor.org/stable/25076950?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  • Princis, K. (1969) Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea. Fam.: Blattellidae. In M. Beier (Ed.). Orthopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage. Issue 13, 712–1038 pp.
  • Saussure, H.de & Zehntner, L. (1893) Insecta–Orthoptera. Vol. I Fam. Blattidae. In Porter (Ed.). Biologia Centrali–Americana. pp. 1–112.

Descendants and synonyms


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