
Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838

Depicts CollectionObject 1863695; d243e344-f52f-40eb-8fb9-fca0f4ebc703, a CollectionObject.
Depicts CollectionObject 1863695; d243e344-f52f-40eb-8fb9-fca0f4ebc703, a CollectionObject.
Copyright Natural History Museum, London Labels from lectotype (female) of synonym Polyzosteria nitens Walker, 1868 in BM(NH) Depicts Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838, an Otu.
Depicts CollectionObject 1863695; d243e344-f52f-40eb-8fb9-fca0f4ebc703, a CollectionObject.
Copyright Natural History Museum, London Lectotype (female) of synonym Polyzosteria nitens Walker, 1868 in BM(NH). Ventral view Depicts Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838, an Otu.
Depicts CollectionObject 1863695; d243e344-f52f-40eb-8fb9-fca0f4ebc703, a CollectionObject.
Depicts Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838, an Otu.
Copyright Natural History Museum, London Labels from lectotype (female) of synonym Polyzosteria nitens Walker, 1868 in BM(NH). Underside Depicts Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838, an Otu.
Copyright Natural History Museum, London Lectotype (female) of synonym Polyzosteria nitens Walker, 1868 in BM(NH). Dorsal view Depicts Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838, an Otu.
Depicts CollectionObject 1863695; d243e344-f52f-40eb-8fb9-fca0f4ebc703, a CollectionObject.

Nomenclature (13)

  • Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838: 483.
  • Polyzosteria purpurascens Fischer, 1853: 93.
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  • Polyzosteria limbata Burmeister, 1838 in Princis, 1966: 562.
  • Polyzosteria pulchella Saussure, 1864 in Hollier, Marshall, Legendre & Poggi, 2023: 85.

Nomenclature references (7)

  • Burmeister, H.C.C. (1838) Kakerlaken, Schaben. Blattina. Handbuch der Entomologie, 2(2), 469–517.
  • Fischer, L.H. (1853)
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Hollier, J., Marshall, J.A., Legendre, F. & Poggi, R. (2023) An annotated list of the Blattodea (Insecta) described by Henri de Saussure. Part 3: the Blattidae. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 130(1), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.35929/rsz.0089
  • Princis, K. (1966) Blattariae: Suborbo [sic] Blattoidea. Fam.: Blattidae, Nocticolidae. In Beier (Ed.). Orthopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage. Issue 8, pp. 402–614.
  • Saussure, H.de (1864) Travaux Inédits. Blattarum novarum species aliquot. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée, 16(2), 305–326.
  • Tepper, J.G.O. (1894) The Blattariae of Australia and Polynesia. Supplementary and additional descriptions and notes. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., 18, 169–189.
  • Walker, F. (1868) In Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariae in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History), E. Newman, Printer, London. 239 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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